// Space Planning
// Interior Design
// Floor Plan drafting
// CAD
// 3D Modeling
This conceptual project presents a modern loft design with industrial style. Brick walls, concrete floors, steel columns, shipping container, put together with woods create the balance between cold and coziness.
Client is former firefighter turned into a photographer in his 50s. This is his getaway house and studio.
Playful elements are put into the design such as a fireman's pole connecting the garage on the ground floor with the upper deck common area, a crashed wall in the garage and flying books out of a broken bookshelf in the dinning area.
The crashed wall and broken bookshelf with flying books is an art-installation that represents a backstory: The firefighter was rushing home one day and accidentally crashed into and through the wall in the garage, which broke the bookshelf standing along the wall, and set the books into the air. In order to remind himself of his recklessness, he wanted to keep the crashed wall and broken shelf, while have books hung above the dinning table.