// Brand identity
// Logo
// Packaging
The idea of Coffee Connects is to connect people through coffee. Every person has a unique and inspiring story. Strangers could become friends and stories could be told through just a cup of coffee.
Coffee Connects is shaped by the traveling culture. Coffee Connects provides a comfy, relaxing and laid-back environment to welcome their customers so they can enjoy their coffee and their time with friends, before they go on to another adventure.
Protecting the environment is an important value in Coffee Connects. Coffee Connects preserves the environment at all costs.

Coffee Connects is a coffee company. The main idea of Coffee Connects is to connect people through coffee. I believe that every person has a unique story and sharing them to others be can inspire each other. A lot of people like to go to coffee shops because they like the taste of coffee, the smell of coffee, the coffee shop vibes, or to hang out with friends.
No matter the reasons people go to coffee shops, it is amazing to see people interact with each other with a cup of coffee in front of them. It will be awesome to see a picture of a coffee shop full of people who are just telling stories and inspiring each other, and these happen with a cup of coffee.
Coffee Connects is also shaped and styled with the traveling and adventuring culture. Traveling, or taking adventure makes people really move around to see the world. People who do this are tend to be more grateful and happy, they also inspire those who don’t go much adventure to open their mindset. Coffee Connects wants to be a place to let adventurists to take rest and enjoy their coffees before they go on another adventure. Coffee Connects wants to provide a comfy, relax and laid-back environment to welcome their customers to just enjoy the coffee and their time with friends.
Coffee Connects values conservation of the environment and would want to help the environment. As we know the environment we are living in is in threat due to our own highly commanded high quality living style, Coffee Connects wants to participate in preserving the environment using the profits we’d make.